by Anne Linton | Jul 1, 2012 | AMAZONAS Tables of Contents
LAKE MALAWI CICHLIDS Volume 1, Number 4 2 Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers 4 Aquatic Notebook COVER STORY 20 Conserving Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat by Ad Konings 30 The Copadichromis mbenjii Group by Harold Walz 36 Aulonocara baenschi, the New...
by Anne Linton | May 1, 2012 | AMAZONAS Tables of Contents
WILD AND DOMESTICATED AQUATIC PLANTS Volume 1, Number 3 4 Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers 6 Aquatic Notebook COVER STORY 22 Aquatic Plants in the Wild by Ole Pedersen and Claus Christensen 30 Carbon Dioxide in Planted Aquariums by Ole Pedersen, Troels...