by Matt Pedersen | Jun 23, 2021 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
Paratypes of Moenkhausia cambacica, MZUSP 125793, freshly collected, showing other aspects of its live coloration, Brazil, Rondônia State, Municipality of Vilhena, Rio Madeira basin, upper Rio Machado drainage. CC BY 4.0 Scientists have discovered and described...
by Matt Pedersen | Nov 4, 2019 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
The little livebearers collectively known as the goodeids (aka. splitfins) are perhaps a classic example of what some might call “little gray fish that almost no one cares about.” Well, almost no one, save a handful of scientists and dedicated aquarists,...
by Matt Pedersen | Aug 26, 2019 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
Published in the journal Neotropical Ichthyology, authors Alessandro Gasparetto Bifi, Renildo Ribeiro de Oliveira, and Lúcia Rapp Py-Daniel have formally described a new species of plecostomus from the genus Ancistrus. Their description, A new species of Ancistrus...
by AMAZONAS Magazine | May 17, 2017 | Freshwater
Scientists describe new Megamouth Dwarf Cichlid, Apistogramma megastoma, with maternal mouthbrooding behaviors Mouthbrooding is not a behavior most aquarists would attribute to dwarf cichlids of the genus Apistogramma, which makes it all the more interesting to...
by Matt Pedersen | Jan 14, 2017 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
Given the large number of new species descriptions that show only a preserved specimen, we tend to get excited when researchers publish their findings using glorious, full-color photos. Such is the case with the latest work of Wilson JEM Costa, wherein he describes...