by Matt Pedersen | Mar 29, 2023 | AMAZONAS Excerpt, Freshwater
AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 12, Number 3, BON APPÉTIT. On the cover: Pelvicachromis pulcher fry feeding on microworms (Panagrellus redivivus). Photo: Toxotes Hun-Gabor Horvath/ Shutterstock The May/June 2023 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and on its way to the...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 26, 2021 | AMAZONAS Excerpt, Freshwater
AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 10, Number 5, GUDGEONS & GOBIES, on sale August 3rd. On the cover: Microphysogobio tafangensis, N. Chiang; Rhinogobius wuyanlingensis and R. henshuenensis, W.-C. Tseng and T.-C. Chang; Sicyopus multisquamatus, H.-G. Evers The...
by Matt Pedersen | Aug 31, 2017 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater, Marine
The family Gobidae arguably got a big update in the past month, with a deluge of diminutive new goby species for fans of nano fishes. Ten new species of freshwater and marine gobies, all hailing from the tropical Western Pacific region, were recently described...
by AMAZONAS Magazine | Mar 24, 2017 | AMAZONAS Excerpt, Freshwater
The May/June 2017 Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and now on its way to magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops, and better bookstores. On sale April 4th, 2017. Readers of the Digital Edition can access it now: AMAZONAS DIGITAL EDITION Paid subscribers can...