by AMAZONAS Magazine | Sep 30, 2020 | AMAZONAS Excerpt, Freshwater
AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 9, Number 6, KEEPING CHARACINS, on sale October 6th, 2020! On the cover: Lemon tetras (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) top, spotted silver dollar (Metynnis maculatus) middle, and lipstick leporinus (Leporinus arcus) bottom. Photos by Horvath82/...
by AMAZONAS Magazine | Feb 28, 2013 | Freshwater, News & Notes
Full of brilliant color AMAZONAS for May/June ranges widely in subject matter, from Aphyosemion spp. African killifishes, to a new Apistogramma species and its successful breeding, travels in South America in search of the very elusive Blue-eyed Pleco, to a...