Known commonly as Peacock Moss, Taxiphyllum sp. “Peacock” has a growth habit with a fanciful resemblance to that of the tail feathers of its animal namesake.
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Plant Spotlight: Ludwigia sp. “Super Red”
Nutrient supplementation of iron and nitrogen, high lighting, and CO2 setups are recommended for optimal red coloration of this easy to grow aquarium plant.
Plant Spotlight: “Water Lettuce”, Pistia stratiotes
Floating plants like Water Lettuce provide comfort and light-dampening security which are particularly important for breeding aquaria (especially guppies!). Their roots provide great shelter for small fry, and, of course, they make tanks look great from above!
Plant Spotlight: Hygrophila pinnatifida “Miramar Weed”
Water ferns (Microsorum and Bolbitis), Bucephalandra and Anubias form the phalanx of what would be considered to be “fish-proof” plants. But there is yet another, not often considered alternative: Hygrophila pinnatifida.
Plant Spotlight: Hygrophila corymbosa “Angustifolia”
This Southeast Asian specimen will grow out of the aquarium if given the chance, producing blue-violet flowers and a thickened, woody stem.
Plant Spotlight: Hydrocotyle tripartita ‘Japan’
As a carpeting foreground plant, one can hardly fault Hydrocotyle tripartita ‘Japan’. This Southeast Asian import grows fast, low, and carpets densely in a uniform manner.
Plant Spotlight: “Madagascar Lace Plant”, Aponogeton madagascariensis
Once hailed as the “king of aquarium plants”, Madagascar Lace Plants are nonetheless an impressive addition to any hobbyist desiring an unusual and striking specimen to add to their collection.
Plant Spotlight: “Mermaid’s Tail”, Proserpinaca palustris
Although hobbyists have known about this plant for some time, it has only been commercially available to the international community in recent years.
Plant Spotlight: Jungle Val, Vallisneria americana “Gigantea”
Resilient and adaptable, the main question is whether you really have space for the large-growing Jungle Val, one of the hardiest aquarium plants.
Plant Spotlight: Rotala indica
As a rather demanding and slow growing aquarium plant, why grow Rotala indica?