An exceptionally beautiful planted tank, nicely captured on video with a good sound track.
Freshwater Articles
Presidential Darters: A Fish Called Obama
Biologists have described five new species of darters in freshwater river systems in the eastern United States and named them after four U.S. presidents and a vice president: Theodore Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Barack Obama.
Video: Angelfish with fry in Amazon Biotope tank
Our Amazon tank here in the ADG Gallery has had a couple of pairs of these wild caught angelfish spawn with fry reaching the free-swimming stage.
World’s Smallest Vertebrate?
Dr. Ralf Britz at the British Natural History Museum asserts that the world’s smallest vertebrate is still a fish, if consistent systems of biological measurement are used.
Finding and Breeding The Sentani Rainbowfish
The next morning, though, we were greeted with a surprise. We saw gorgeous fishes radiating bright red all over their bodies, with a hint of pink and bold black edgings to the fins.There was no longer any trace of pop-eye! Had it been the long period of transportation or the pure oxygen I had put in the bags at the meeting? We had no idea—the main thing was, they were healthy. We both sat in front of the tank and celebrated like small children, even after several decades together in the aquarium hobby.
Video: Step-by-Step Iwagumi Planted Aquarium
Here’s a short, instructive video on creating an “Iwagumi” (rock garden) aquascape by Oliver Knott, the European planted aquarium rock star.
AMAZONAS Editor Coming to U.S.
An inveterate world traveler to the native waters of freshwater fishes, Evers has some 50 home aquaria and has “so far” bred more than 250 species in his own tanks. He has collected fish in many countries, including Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.
Belo Monte: Protests mount against “Monster Dam” on Brazil’s Rio Xingu
Biologists and human rights observers are calling it an epic disaster in the making, a massive river-damming complex in the heart of the Amazon basin that threatens tens of thousands of native rainforest dwellers and the fish populations that sustain them and enrich the aquarium world.
Initial Testing of the Hydrowizard
Jay Hemdal looks at the Hydrowizard for generating aquarium circulation and flow in large scale public aquarium applications.
New Pike Cichlids from Argentina
Several species of pike cichlids from the Río Uruguay drainage in Argentina have begun to be exported in recent years. The most attractive of these, including Crenicichla minuano, C. hadrostigma, C. missioneira, and C. tendybaguassu, started to appear in 2006. Unfortunately, just five years later these lovely fishes had virtually disappeared into oblivion, despite the successful breeding of what was arguably the most interesting species, Crenicichla tendybaguassu (Big Lip Pike Cichlid), by Matthias Kählig in Hannover, Germany.