Mo Devlin gives his Amphilophus hogaboomorum room to do what cichlid fish do best…breed and raise fry.
Freshwater Articles
AMAZONAS Video: 17-Gallon Wonder Planted Tank
A short video of an amazing 17-gallon planted tank (ADA 60P), edited with full Hollywood effects.
Male Seeking Mate: Must Want Kids – Quest to save Ptychochromis insolitus
Calling all cichlid aquarists – ZSL London Zoo launches worldwide appeal to find and save a critically endangered fish.
Friday Photospread – Blue Angelfish Babies
A Friday Photospread with tips for recreating similar images.
AMAZONAS Video: Backyard Pond Inspirations
Here’s a portfolio of appealing garden water features and their ecstatic owners. Mildly promotional, but inspiring for anyone bitten by the pond bug as spring weather unfolds.
“Fishzilla” Loose in Central Park Lake
Peaceful Harlem Meer has long been a place to cast a fly or a worm-baited hook in hopes of catching something in the panfish category—yellow perch, small bass, and crappies—but several fishermen have been reporting surprise or downright terror when they have latched into toothy gamefish with pugnacious attitudes and mouthsfull of razor-sharp teeth.
Friday Photospread – Betta ocellata, the Bodacious Eyespot Betta
Getting a second chance with the bodacious mouthbrooding Betta ocellata.
AMAZONAS Featured Video: Riparium Tank Basics
Inspiring look at a very appealing new type of planted aquarium, with emergent and shoreline plants creatively mounted to the back wall of the tank.
Perfect Storm Looms for Brazil’s Diversity of Fishes
Biologists fear a new wave of invasive fish species will be headed for Brazilian waters if legislation in that country’s Congress is passed.
AMAZONAS Featured Video: “Collectoritis” Planted Aquarium
I find it important to take the time to learn the way plants grow and a great way of doing that is setting up a collectoritis style planted aquarium.