Freshwater Articles

A Mexican Crayfish for Nano Aquariums

A Mexican Crayfish for Nano Aquariums

The Dwarf Orange Crayfish, Cambarellus patzcuarensis “Orange,” is a petite and colorful crustacean that is not as well known to freshwater aquarists as it should be, but that it makes a sassy and active addition to a nano aquarium. While some crayfish and “mini lobsters” can be destructive, this species has proved safe with plants, fishes, and other invertebrates.

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Featured Video: Expert Plants A Tank

Featured Video: Expert Plants A Tank

Strong colours and vigorous growth require optimal lighting, as well as the addition of the proper amount of fertilizer and CO2 – But other than that, it is really not that difficult. Hemianthus, Didiplis and Bolbitis all thrive in such good conditions, just as Rotala macrandra and mini-Alternanthera develop optimal, deep-red colours.

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