Ad Konings handed many aquarists a roadmap that has made life and survival easier for many fishes…here is how I have used his recipe.
Freshwater Articles
Aquaculturing Tropical Fish in Israel’s Desert
Despite the arid environment, Arava Research and Development Center in Israel produces captive-bred freshwater and marine aquarium fish, mainly for the European market.
Friday Photospread – Geophagus sp. “Orange Head Tapajos” Surprise
The large size but normally passive nature of the Geophagus spp. remains one of their more endearing traits; they look fantastic as feature fish in a calm setting with other compatible fish. I never had a customer come back to complain about the Geophagus I had sold to them; these are fish people like!
MAWS – Beware the Fishy Herbivore?
Summer months, often the doldrums for hard news, annually bring out shark-attack scare stories and references to hair-raising scenes in the movie JAWS, but for northern European swimmers the mid-summer chill was provided by a herbivorous fish caught in the strait of Oresund between Denmark and Sweden.
Species Profile: Pacu
Pacus are vegetarian cousins of the notorious piranhas, but, despite a superficial resemblance, are generally considered gentle and quite harmless.
AMAZONAS November/December 2013 Issue Preview
Look to the next issue of AMAZONAS for a definitive look at Tropheus cichlids in the wild and in the aquariuim, with expert coverage of their natural history, their controversial taxonomy, care, feeding, and captive breeding. With dozens of glorious new images, this section includes contributions by Hans-Georg Evers, Ad Konings, Mathias Eberhardt, and Norbert Knaak.
Friday Photospread – How To: Count Fish Eggs
A step-by-step method to get your own precise egg counts from fish spawns.
Farming Arowanas Where Coca Once Grew
In Colombia’s Caqueta Province, once a hotbed of illegal drug production, land once used to grow coca is being converted into dug ponds for breeding and raising the Silver Arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum.
AMAZONAS Feature Video: Million-Yen Koi
A fascinating glimpse at a batch of prized Japanese koi worth some $2.5 million.
Friday Photospread – Feigning Mortal Danger
Bettas are kind of easy to goad into performing for the camera, and none may be easier than the “Fighter Plakats”, the short-finned betta strains bred for strength, endurance, body structure, and general ferocity; the ultimate goal being a winner in the ring.