A step-by-step method to get your own precise egg counts from fish spawns.
Freshwater Articles
Farming Arowanas Where Coca Once Grew
In Colombia’s Caqueta Province, once a hotbed of illegal drug production, land once used to grow coca is being converted into dug ponds for breeding and raising the Silver Arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum.
AMAZONAS Feature Video: Million-Yen Koi
A fascinating glimpse at a batch of prized Japanese koi worth some $2.5 million.
Friday Photospread – Feigning Mortal Danger
Bettas are kind of easy to goad into performing for the camera, and none may be easier than the “Fighter Plakats”, the short-finned betta strains bred for strength, endurance, body structure, and general ferocity; the ultimate goal being a winner in the ring.
Fishy WhoDunIt: Who Ate the Hemlock?
With only a handful of reported cases annually, Haff’s Disease is a debilitating but not always fatal condition that is usually traced to the consumption of a carp-like Native American fish commonly called the Bigmouth Buffalo, Istiobus cyprinellus, or on native Louisiana wild-caught crayfish.
AMAZONAS Featured Video: Time-lapse Nano Aquascape
Watch this any you may find yourself itching to set up a nano planted tank. Nice quality time-lapse video from Poland.
Amazonas Featured Video: Time-Lapse Planted Tank Growth
Amazing growth in a 55-gallon freshwater planted aquarium with CO2 supplementation.
Friday Photospread – The Gloved Hand
It’s late evening in the fishroom (OK, it’s 2 AM in the fishroom), and I’m staying up late to take photos of a couple bettas that I’m planning on breeding.
Torpedoes Explosion
An Indian endemic fish admired by many for its sleek elegance and shoaling behaviors in larger aquariums, the Redline Torpedo Barb, Puntius denisonii, may be overfished and endangered in its native waters, but captive-bred specimens are reported to be gaining ground and in new varieties.
AMAZONAS Video: Native Ohio Stream Tank
Rainbow Darters, Central Stonerollers, Southern Redbelly Dace and brief appearances by an Orange-throat Darter and a Banded Darter.