AMAZONAS Editor Hans-Georg Evers takes the reader into the remote waters of Sulawesi in search of a number of halfbeak species that could make exceptionally interesting aquarium inhabitants. “Quirky” is how Hans describes them, admitting “I put my heart and soul into finding and describing them for this issue.”
Freshwater Articles
AMAZONAS Fish Longevity Survey 2013
What is the oldest aquarium fish you have ever owned?
New Arapaima Species Described
A new species of giant arapaima, South America’s largest freshwater fish, has been described from the central Amazon in Brazil, and scientists say the discovery raises questions about what other species remain to be discovered.
Videos – Jason Stanford’s Planted Piranha Aquarium
UK-based aquarist Jason Stanford makes us rethink what a Piranha aquarium can be!
Friday Photospread – Artificial Incubation of Freshwater Angelfish Eggs, Part 1
Part 1 examines how Amazonas Editor Matt Pedersen sets up artificial incubation of Angelfish eggs.
Friday Photospread – Artificial Incubation of Freshwater Angelfish Eggs, Part 2
Part 2 follows the development of Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) eggs from incubation and hatching to juvenile fish.
AMAZONAS Featured Video: Queensland Lungfish
Australian or Queensland Lungfish, one of the oldest living fish species on earth, shown in its native habitat.
Repashy Releases Morning Wood – Relax, It’s a Pleco Food (REDRUM too!)
Repashy’s new REDRUM is a Carotenoid Supplemental Diet, but Morning Wood? Possibly the first ever commercial diet for wood-eating (Xylivore) fishes.
World’s Oldest Aquarium Fish Turns 80
When the dinosaurs first appeared on earth some 230 million years ago, the ancestors of modern-day lungfishes had already been paddling around for 150 million years. And when the great extinction that took out T. rex and Company, 66 million years ago, the lungfishes swam right through the global upheaval.
Friday Photospread – Think Inside The Box
There is, of course, the undeniable truth of being a fish addict: If you can find a way to add more fish, you’ll do it.