This past weekend, the Capital Cichlid Association held the second of what will be an annual convention called Aquamania 2. Check out what you missed.
Freshwater Articles
AMAZONAS May/June 2014: Preview
“The secret of improved tropical fish breeding, apart from scientific knowledge, is love.”
AMAZONAS Video: Cave of the Malawi Cichlids
Take a short dive trip down among the huge boulders of Lake Malawi to see some African cichlids in their native habitat.
New Native Fish Found: The Cedar Sculpin
A new species of freshwater sculpin from the pristine waters of the northern Rocky Mountains has been described, and its small size and droll character may make it a candidate for keeping in aquarium collections of native North American fishes.
AMAZONAS Video: Black Cory Catfish
Interesting short video about a rarely seen Cory that appears to have been selectively bred into a jet-black color form.
Fishroom Tour: Don Danko
Don, 60, is a lifelong fish keeper who got started in the hobby at the recommendation of his ophthalmologist when he was in the third grade and recuperating from an eye injury and surgery. He started with a 15-gallon (57–L) community tank, but under his father’s influence, quickly became enamored of cichlids and their breeding behaviors.
Forbidden Species: The Lure and Perils of Illegal Aquarium Fishes
…there are political action groups here and in Europe that would like to see an end to all forms of pet keeping, and they are supporting an anti-invasive species agenda because it is a chink in the armor that they can exploit…
AMAZONAS January Back Issues Sale!
Complete your AMAZONAS Library at our lowest prices ever. Supplies limited.
Mangarahara Cichlid Mate Found
A desperate public call for help had gone out in 2013, in which the ZSL put out a world-wide appeal seeking a female mate for the famously ugly Mangarahara Cichlid, Ptychochromis insolitus, known to the ichthyologists working to save it as “Insolitus”.
Angelmania: Lee Gordon’s Angelfish Rearing Videos
Prepare yourself for a crash-course in artificially rearing Angelfish (Pterophyllum sp.) as recorded by Lee Gordon of