Many pleco forms are near extinction in their natural habitat; we have the unique opportunity to conserve them in the aquarium, at least on a small scale.
Freshwater Articles
The Black Issue! AMAZONAS Hard-Copy Preview for May/June 2014
A first look inside the print edition for the May/June 2014 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.
AMAZONAS Videos: Bettas in the Wild – What They Tell Us About Minimum Tank Sizes for Bettas
Do bettas truly live in puddles? Is keeping them in tiny tanks appropriate? Watch the wild videos and offer your opinions!
Thai Micro Crab: New Breeding Progress
New pictures of micro crabs carrying young, the beginning of a breeding report.
Angostura Cichlids Spawning
It’s one of my favorite cichlid photos. It captures the absolute beauty of the species and tells the story of their main focus…breeding.
AMAZONAS Video: Hidden Rivers Documentary Preview
Spring is around the corner and once more you can get into the rivers to cavort with, observe, and perhaps even collect a few of our stunning North American native fishes for our aquariums.
March 2014 – Freshwater Events Roundup
A look at upcoming freshwater aquarium events, across North America, during the 2nd half of March, 2014.
AMAZONAS Video: EPIC Rainforest Scape
Justin Grimm’s EPIC Slice ‘o the Rainforest is an inspirational display of wood and plants…
PlanetXingu Success: You did it!
I am delighted that the global catfish community pulled together to support the research into the fishes of Brazil’s Rio Xingu.
AMAZONAS Video: Amano’s Tallest Aquascape
Master aquascaper Takashi Amano talks about his tallest aquascape assignment in this video at the elegant Sumida Aquarium. The huge aquarium measures 4 meters wide by 1.6 m front to back and 1.7 m deep (13 ft x 5.3 ft x 5.6 ft).