In the course of these investigations, we maintained and bred literally hundreds of Tiger Barbs (Puntius tetrazona). As anyone who has had the opportunity to observe large numbers of this species can attest, Tiger Barbs exhibit variation in the length of the second vertical band.
Freshwater Articles
Aquarama 2015 to Bring Together Public and Home Aquarium Industries
A major aquatics industry expo held biennially in Singapore, has recently announced a move intended to foster closer ties between ornamental fish industry members and those in public aquaria
A Storm on the Horizon for Freshwater Aquarists
Troubling news regarding the Endangered Species Act’s possible impact on marine aquarists – could it spill over onto freshwater hobbyists too?
Hard Copy Preview – Swordtails – September/October 2014 – AMAZONAS Magazine
Take a glimpse inside the latest issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, featuring Swordtails, Bucephalandra, Piranha, Barbs, and much more…
Fishroom: Hubert Selig & Tanks on Wheels
Freshwater stingrays were initially planned as inhabitants. Then I saw adult Melanotaenia boesemani in a shop, which I was allowed to take home after much pleading. Thus began my interest for rainbowfish.
Rarities: Phenacogrammus aurantiacus “Lefini”
With few exceptions, tetras from the Congo River are virtually unknown in the hobby. Best-known is “The” Congo Tetra, Phenacogrammus interruptus, whose glimmering beauty has made it a staple with commercial breeders. However, the African Tetra (Family Alestidae) includes a number of magnificent species that would also be very suitable for the aquarium.
One Aquarist’s Quest to Save Cambodia’s Imperiled Fishes
One of the things to stem from this research was a realization that many of Cambodia’s native and endemic species are in grave danger. One, in particular, stood out among the rest during Tomoyuki’s many surveys of the Tonlé Sap Lake. It was the iconic Cambodian Tigerfish, Siamese Tiger Perch, or Datnoid (Datnioides pulcher)
Bangkok’s Tropical Fish Mecca: Jatujak Weekend Market
An inside look at one of the world’s most incredible aquarium fish markets in Bangkok, Thailand
Cleveland – Where the Wild (Orange Trout) Things Are?
A tale of hatchery produced fish and invasive aquarium fish species where they don’t belong…
AMAZONAS November/December 2014 Issue Preview
It is no secret that rainbowfishes and their native waters in the wilds of Papua New Guinea are very close to the heart of AMAZONAS Editor Hans-Georg Evers, and in this must-have issue he pulls out all the stops with features including: