The Tonlé Sap Lake, considered to be “the beating heart of Cambodia”, is a remarkably unique body of water which happens to be home to dozens, if not hundreds, of popular aquarium fish species. I recently had the chance to visit this ecosystem for the first time and came away with a newfound respect for the lake and its inhabitants.
Freshwater Articles
The Tangled Bank: An AMAZONAS Editor’s Rough Cut
A sneak peek at an “article in progress”, this one a planted tank by Steve Waldron, currently scheduled for the next AMAZONAS Magazine edition.
EXCLUSIVE: GloFish® Introduces “High Contrast” Electric Green Barb
The latest permutation of GloFish®, the Striped Electric Green Barb is the fully-striped, non-albino, transgenic fluorescent green form of the Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona).
Konings’ Tanganyika Cichlids receives 3rd Edition Update
More than 1200 photos illustrate all known Tanganyika cichlids in their natural habitat. The wealth of information on the natural environment of Lake Tanganyika will render it increasingly possible to maintain each species in the most natural way, allowing it to behave as if it were in the lake
Friday Photospread: Steatocranus tinanti Feeding With Bonus Video
Sumer Tiwari talks about Steatocranus tinanti, a beautiful dwarf cichlid species from West Africa. Fast flowing water and sand substrate are two main things to keep in mind while setting their tank. They love to eat meaty food and are very territorial.
India’s Sundarbans: One Incredible Estuary (Part I)
A look at the unique aquatic habitat of India’s Sundarbans National Park, home to the world’s largest mangrove forest and hundreds of species of terrestrial and aquatic life
The Reticulated Flying Fox: an underappreciated algae eater from Thailand
The algae-eating Reticulated Flying Fox, Crossocheilus reticulatus, deserves a bit more of the spotlight considering the beautiful adult specimens shown at a Thai fish farm.
First Successful Breeding of Devils Hole Pupfish
Researchers at the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility have spawned the critically endangered Devils Hole Pupfish, Cyprinodon diabolis, for the first time in captivity
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents March/April 2015
EARTHEATERS: AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 4, Number 2
Eartheaters – AMAZONAS Magazine March/April 2015 – Hard Copy Preview
Print copies of AMAZONAS are here! This is your very first look at what’s on the glossy, heavy, luscious pages of our newest issue! Is your mouth watering?