This fish bears a misleading scientific name and an array of trade labels. The common English name “Blackline Rasbora” is a poor choice, as there are several black-lined Rasbora species. Better names would be “Red-Tailed Rasbora” or “Brilliant Rasbora.”
Freshwater Articles
Crypts & Super Severums – AMAZONAS Print Preview
Beautiful and diverse Cryptocoryne plants and dazzling Severum cichlids lead the way into the the May/June 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, with additional features on New Rainbowfish, Zebra Otocinclus catfish, and Hans-Georg Evers leading an expedition to discover new Corydoras in quiet, shallow Peruvian streams.
Fish Collecting in the Western Ghats of India: Video Trailer
The Western Ghats region of India is home to an incredible diversity of fishes. Sumer Tiwari shares a teaser video trailer from his recent collection trip in the region. You can see Dawkinsia assimilis and Etroplus canarensis schooling in their natural habitat in the video.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents May/June 2015
WATER TRUMPETS: AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 4, Number 3
Tanks in Classrooms: Setting Up an Educational Aquarium
Elementary teacher Brandon Rutherford created a student lead coral reef program at his school. He shares secrets for using fish tanks and reef aquariums in classrooms to teach science.
Friday Photospread: Betta hendra
Betta hendra is an impressive small sized betta from coccina complex. They are bubblenesters and don’t grow bigger than 4-5 cm. They love eating live meaty food like bloodworms and blackworms.
AMAZONAS Preview: May/June 2015
“Sometimes an issue just brims with energy,” says Editor James Lawrence, “and this AMAZONAS fits that description, with very strong editorial content for lovers of plants, for staunch keepers of big fishes, lovers of delicate, nano fishes and even those looking to build extreme aquarium systems.”
Kushangaza at Halembe in Lake Tanganyika, and Observations on Brichard’s Tropheus
Magnus and Mikael Karlsson examine Tropheus sp. “Crescentic” and Tropheus sp. “Lukuga”, two forms currently lumped under the species Tropheus brichardi.
Pond Season 2015 Starts in Europe
Rising temperatures in central Europe are promising an early start for the pond season – a look at the diverse offerings in the pond fish market this year!
Segrest Farms Unveils Massive Dedicated Soft Water System
A Florida based aquarium fish wholesaler reveals their new 2,800 gallon holding system for freshwater fish originating in blackwater habitats