A new species of rainbowfish from West Papua is formally described, honoring one of its discoverers, American rainbowfish breeder & expert Gary Lange
Freshwater Articles
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents July/August 2015
FANCY SHRIMPS: AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 4, Number 4
India’s Sundarbans: One Incredible Estuary (Part II)
In my first post on India’s Sunderbans National Park, I gave a brief overview of this unique ecosystem. In this piece, I’ll be looking specifically at the aquatic and semi-aquatic life which can be found in and around the Sunderbans’ silty, brackish waters.
Video: Tour an Amazing Koi Pond & Bonus Red Bee Shrimp Video
Tour a 16,000 gallon backyard koi pond and look at the moving bed filtration that keeps it running crystal clear.
Parasites in Freshwater Shrimp
Wherever plants or animals are domesticated and farmed, diseases and parasites are sure to be found. A number of parasites on freshwater aquarium shrimps are becoming more prevalent, apparently through the commercial aquaculture of several species—most notably those of the genus Neocaridina.
VIDEOS: Decktop Pond Season Is Here!
Time to consider taking your aquarium hobby outdoors with a container pond or patio pond? Matt Pedersen shares some ideas to get you dreaming…
Mystery Species AMAZONAS 4.4
Can you identify these three species, which appear in Species Snapshots, AMAZONAS June/July 2015?
AMAZONAS July/August 2015 Preview
The next issue of AMAZONAS promises to be the best yet, with some of the most astonishing new color forms of Fire, Snow, Tiger, Bee, TiBee, Black Bee, Shadow Bee, Tangerine Tiger, and classic koi-like Red Cherry Shrimp.
VIDEO: Massive Group of Loricarid Catfish
Hong Kong aquarist CWL YAM curates an impressive and diverse collection of plecostomus. But it also raises questions about stocking levels – what do you think?
A Tonlé Sap Lake Aquarium
Following up on an overview of Cambodia’s Tonlé Sap lake, Mike Tuccinardi looks at replicating the lake’s unique habitats in a biotope aquarium