George Farmer takes a look at two very different styles of aquascaping and asks which do you prefer?
Freshwater Articles
Overview: Gymnochanda, The Enigmatic Glassfishes
Although the delicate glassfishes, or glass perches, of the genus Gymnochanda are classic “old school” aquarium species, usually only specialists in unusual fishes from Asia keep them, Ichthyologist Tan Heok Hui has written an overview for of the genus for AMAZONAS Magazine.
Biotope Video: Sinharaja National Park, Sri Lanka
Mike Tuccinardi shares underwater footage of the pristine aquatic habitat and colorful endemic species of Sri Lanka’s famed Sinharaja Forest Reserve
Aquarium Inventions
For some aquarium hobbyists and professionals, creating an aquarium-related invention is a natural combination of such a dream with their hobby or vocation.
The Aquascaper Series: Introduction
Professional aquascaper, George Farmer, explains what aquascaping means to him in his new blog series – “The Aquascaper”
Fishes + Cartoons = Fishtoons
A lighthearted look at caricatures commissioned by Sumer Tiwari, inspired by freshwater fishes and created by artist & illustrator Kunal Kundu.
The Jewel of the Congo: Nanochromis splendens
Nanochromis splendens is an engimatic member of a genus of dwarf cichlids found only in the Congo river system. Imports of this species have recently become available and we present here, a few portraits of this beautiful little cichlid.
The Renovation of the Toledo Zoo Aquarium
The new Toledo Zoo Aquarium offers almost four times the exhibit water volume of the old aquarium, with nearly twice as much room for visitors.
Fancy Shrimps – AMAZONAS Print Preview – July/August 2015
Dwarf Shrimps from the natural to the sublime headline the July/August 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, with additional features on Desktop Planted Tanks, a dizzying array of Dynamic Danios, and charismatic Rainbowfishes.
A Day with Aquarium Hobbyists in Delhi, India
Sumer Tiwari visits with three aquarists in Delhi, bringing back firsthand accounts of the freshwater, brackish, and marine aquarium hobby in India.