Nanochromis splendens is an engimatic member of a genus of dwarf cichlids found only in the Congo river system. Imports of this species have recently become available and we present here, a few portraits of this beautiful little cichlid.
Freshwater Articles
The Renovation of the Toledo Zoo Aquarium
The new Toledo Zoo Aquarium offers almost four times the exhibit water volume of the old aquarium, with nearly twice as much room for visitors.
Fancy Shrimps – AMAZONAS Print Preview – July/August 2015
Dwarf Shrimps from the natural to the sublime headline the July/August 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, with additional features on Desktop Planted Tanks, a dizzying array of Dynamic Danios, and charismatic Rainbowfishes.
A Day with Aquarium Hobbyists in Delhi, India
Sumer Tiwari visits with three aquarists in Delhi, bringing back firsthand accounts of the freshwater, brackish, and marine aquarium hobby in India.
Rainbowfish Expert Gary Lange Honored With New Species Name
A new species of rainbowfish from West Papua is formally described, honoring one of its discoverers, American rainbowfish breeder & expert Gary Lange
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents July/August 2015
FANCY SHRIMPS: AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 4, Number 4
India’s Sundarbans: One Incredible Estuary (Part II)
In my first post on India’s Sunderbans National Park, I gave a brief overview of this unique ecosystem. In this piece, I’ll be looking specifically at the aquatic and semi-aquatic life which can be found in and around the Sunderbans’ silty, brackish waters.
Video: Tour an Amazing Koi Pond & Bonus Red Bee Shrimp Video
Tour a 16,000 gallon backyard koi pond and look at the moving bed filtration that keeps it running crystal clear.
Parasites in Freshwater Shrimp
Wherever plants or animals are domesticated and farmed, diseases and parasites are sure to be found. A number of parasites on freshwater aquarium shrimps are becoming more prevalent, apparently through the commercial aquaculture of several species—most notably those of the genus Neocaridina.
VIDEOS: Decktop Pond Season Is Here!
Time to consider taking your aquarium hobby outdoors with a container pond or patio pond? Matt Pedersen shares some ideas to get you dreaming…