WILD BETTAS: AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 4, Number 5
Freshwater Articles
AMAZONAS Featured Video: Hypnotic Planted Tanks Review
A collection of competitively aquascaped nano aquariums,photographed with a mezmerizing soundtrack. Be inspired or just drift off.
Glorious New Rainbowfish Described
The discovery of a new rainbowfish is always occasion for cheer among a large global network of aquarists, but when a particularly spectacular species unknown to science is found in a small pond in an abandoned mining camp deep in the rainforests of remote Papua Province, the excitement spreads.
Delving into Toxic Fish Shipping Bags & Plastic Concerns
A roundtable discussion about issues of plastic toxicity in aquarium settings, particularly firsthand experiences with saltwater corals, invertebrates, and fishes.
New Bedfellows in World of Freshwater Aquarium Fish Trade
The IUCN has announced the formation of a subgroup of the Freshwater Fish Specialist Group (FFSG), the Home Aquarium Fish Subgroup (HAFSG), which is dedicated to home aquarium fishes—a startling sign of changing times.
AGA Aquascaping Contest 2015 Call For Entries
The Aquatic Gardeners Association (AGA) announces the opening of the 16th annual AGA International Aquascaping Contest. Entries are due by September 13th, 2015.
Friday Photospread: Care and Breeding of Corydoras melini
Sumer Tiwari describes his experience with Corydoras melini, from acquisition to spawning and rearing the fry. Bloodworms were the main diet for adults and juveniles.
Chemical in Plastic Bags Lethal to Aquarium Fish
Are toxic plastic bags to blame for mortality issues with aquarium fish shipping and acclimation? The results of a new study suggest cause for concern.
AMAZONAS Sept/Oct 2015 Issue Preview
Kids and little grannies may keep them in countertop vases, but members of the genus Betta can also be of great interest to keepers of rare fishes and, yes, an underworld of shadowy characters who carry on the ancient traditions of staging battles between highly bred fighting fish males.
Friday Photospread: Callochromis pleurospilus
After losing my Altolamprologus compressiceps ‘Sumbu shell’ fry, I was looking for another Tanganyikan Cichlid to stock the empty tank. I found Callochromis pleurospilus juveniles at a fellow hobbyist’s fish room. Once they were about 1.5-2 inch in size, they started sowing their beautiful iridescent colors.