When a magazine issue deals with one of the Editor’s own personal favorite subjects, wonderful things can happen.
Freshwater Articles
New Ringed Danio Discovered in Bangladesh
Entirely new species may also be the rewarding surprise, as Dr. Sven Kullander of the Swedish Museum of Natural History found when collecting wild danios in an effort to build a DNA barcode reference library of the genus Danio. Working with Mizanur Rahman of the University of Banglash, and a team of Swedish and Bangladeshi researchers, Kullander found a fish that fit no known genetic profile and has now described it as Danio annulosus.
NOAA Aquaculture Photo Contest
NOAA’s Aquaculture photo contest recognizes photographers and videographers who have captured images and short videos of aquaculture and the people, science and technology behind it.
Wild Bettas – AMAZONAS Print Preview – September/October 2015
Wild Betta species headline the September/October 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, with additional features including an overlooked Nano Livebearer, a no-heater Planted Aquarium, and so much more. Take a peek inside!
Forests Underwater: Amano’s Largest Nature Aquarium
This breathtaking 40-meter-long (130-ft) installation at the Lisbon Oceanarium is the world’s largest Nature Aquarium and Takashi Amano’s final work, opened to the public in April 2105.
Takashi Amano – Aesthetic Guide, Spiritual Father, Inspirational Human Being
Yesterday, I learned of the passing of the world’s greatest aquarium aquascaper, Takashi Amano, I am still in shock and stunned by the magnitude of this loss. He was an aesthetic guide, a spiritual father, and a purely inspirational human being for many aquarists like myself.
The Passing of Aquascaping Legend Takashi Amano
“With our deepest sorrow, we announce that Takashi Amano, President & CEO of Aqua Design Amano Co., Ltd., passed away after an illness on Tuesday, August 4, 2015.”
Aquascaping Contests: The All-Important Final Photo Shoot of the Aquascape
George Farmer taken us through the process of getting a planted aquarium ready for that all-important final photo shoot of the aquascape.
Fishes + Cartoons = Fishtoons, Part-2
Illustrator Kunal KunduI blends Sumer Tiwari’s love for fishes and cartoons into one final, charming product – Fishtoons. This time around – Apistogramma luelingi and Etroplus canarensis.
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Second Annual Aquascaping Live! Contest
$3,900 dollars in prize money available in the Second Annual Aquascaping Live! Contest at Aquatic Experience – Chicago. Judging occurs during the Aquatic Experience, Nov. 6-8, 2015