Matt Pedersen takes a look at the vibrant Florida Tropical Fish Farms Association and their recent display at the Aquatic Experience – Chicago, 2015.
Freshwater Articles
Aquatic Experience – Chicago 2015 reels in more than 6,200 guests
The World Pet Association (WPA) is thrilled to announce more than 6,200 guests visited its third annual Aquatic Experience – Chicago
AMAZONAS Issue Preview: January/February 2016
With a much-anticipated issue that will be read and re-read over the coming Holiday Season, the January/February 2016 Issue of AMAZONAS is a Collector’s Edition featuring Part II of BETTAS. The ad deadline is fast approaching.
World’s Top Guppies Judged in Florida
All show entries are pairs and are brought to the group to be auctioned off at the end of the show, with the top bid reaching $190 and many attendees saying that the event had attracted a number of fish rarely, if ever, seen at North American shows.
Amazonas Featured Video: Bangkok’s Chatuchak Fish Market
This video left us dizzy, but it probably gives an accurate impression of visiting the Chatuchak Market in Bangkok, Thailand.
New Caprivi Killifish Debuts with Near Threatened Status
The newly described Caprivi Killifish, Nothobranchius capriviensis, is an iridescent species, electrifying when in full courtship mode, that is already known to killi fanciers but had previously been considered a variant of the Kafue Killifish, Nothobranchius kafuensis. Both annual killifishes are endemic in Namibia, East Africa in the Upper Zambezi River system.
Amazon Watch 2015: Free Download
Aquarium enthusiasts know Amazonia as a motherlode of biodiversity, and most of us are aware that we have the great Amazon watershed to thank for a huge proportion of the fishes and plants that populate the world’s freshwater aquaria.
DIY Duckweed Collector
I have had the problem of duckweed overgrowing the surfaces of my tanks for years, and skimming with a net is quite cumbersome. The only benefit I saw from having these prolific little pads growing in my systems was that any bound nutrients were removed from the aquariums when the masses of duckweed were removed.
Aquascaping Live! Contest Returns to Aquatic Experience 2015
The Chicago-area aquarium show will host a unique live aquascaping competition, now in its second year. Judge Karen Randall discusses contest details.
AMAZONAS Video: An Arowana Life over 3 Years
A history of my Pearl or Jardini Arowana named Sam from the moment it was captured on video.