A reader’s quest for the holy grail of angelfishes has AMAZONAS Sr. Editor Matt Pedersen reminiscing about his own search for the Altum Angelfish, Pterophyllum altum.
Freshwater Articles
Altum Origins: the Supply Chain of Wild Altum Angels
One of the most sought after but difficult to keep wild freshwater fish, the Altum Angel (Pterophyllum altum) remains a hobby classic. Follow their journey from waters of the Orinoco to your aquarium, and get some tips on successfully acclimating them to aquarium life.
Friday Photospread: Lured Back to Guppies
What are you missing if you don’t have guppies in your fishroom? Sumer Tiwari’s pro-guppy arguments are strong enough to convince you to start a guppy tank!
AMAZONAS New Issue “BETTAS Part II” Inside Look
The January/February Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and now delivering to print magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops. Here is a sample of articles and opening pages for readers wondering what the issue will deliver. On sale date: December 8th, 2015 at the best tropical fish retail stores everywhere.
Following the Fish: First Stop, Colombia
Mike Tuccinardi details his first encounter with aquarium fish on his journey through the Amazon Basin outside Bogota Colombia
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents January/February 2016
WINNING BETTAS: AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 5, Number 1
Collection Trip to India: Part 1
The first installment of Sumer Tiwari’s Collection Trip to Western Ghats of India where he photographed fishes endemic to India in their natural habitat.
Out Damned Spot…
In taxonomy, however, spots, simple and otherwise can assume an importance that can range from trivial to exceptional. This is simply because spots that are in a consistent position can be, and often have been, used as taxonomic characters.
Species Snapshot: Fireline Danio
Devario sondhii, the Fireline Danio, is one of the species new to the aquarium trade that is starting to flourish in the wake of Myanmar’s government reforms and the restoration of trade with the world outside Burma.
Freshwater Food Culturing 101: Vinegar Eels
Vinegar eels, Tubatrix aceti, are one of those freshwater aquarium fish food cultures that are overlooked, but fill an important niche in fish culture, being larger than infusoria, smaller than microworms and baby brine shrimp.