Move over Uaru amphiacanthoides, you’re now just a cheap knockoff of the Panda Uaru (Uaru fernandezyepezi)
Freshwater Articles
Next stop, Pucallpa: the aquarium fishery on the Rio Ucayali, Peru
After several weeks in Colombia, Mike Tuccinardi heads South to Pucallpa, Peru, to explore the aquarium trade along the Rio Ucayali
Battlelines Drawn as Brazil Pushes for Mega Dam on the Rio Tapajós
After the loss of an epic battle over the Belo Monte project on the Xingu River (the huge dam started operations in early 2016), the Tapajos is expected to become the primary focal point of forces opposed to damming the wild rivers of Amazonia.
Rio Tapajós Damming: Belo Monte’s Sequel?
The next posterchild in Brazil’s damning of the Amazon is the São Luiz do Tapajós Dam
Introducing Orange Peel Discus
Is it a new discus strain? Is it simply an “old aquarist’s tale”? Or is there something to the act of throwing orange peels in your aquarium?
First SURRENDER Event a Sweet Success
The “Minnesota experiment” shows that such surrender events are something every responsible aquarium society should offer once or twice a year. Since the Habitattitude program is a national initiative (, support from the Great Lakes Sea Grant network or other programs may be available.
Collection Trip to India: Part 3 – Etroplus canarensis Heaven
When Rahul told us that there is a possibility that we would see a lot of Etroplus canarensis, I was pretty stoked.
VIDEO: Mind Blowing Native Fishes
Shockingly brilliant footage of some North American native fishes every aquarium hobbyist needs to see!
AMAZONAS “South American Killifishes” Issue Inside Look
The May/June 2016 Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and now delivering to print magazine subscribers and local aquarium shops. Here is a sample of articles and opening pages for readers wondering what the issue will deliver.
XINGU Rising
Río Xingu is ground zero for what has been called the worst environmental disaster in a generation—the highly controversial, widely reviled Belo Monte Dam. This infrastructure project, which has been in development since 1975, has been reported even in mainstream international news outlets, mainly due to the fact that its impacts will include catastrophic environmental and social costs for the entire Xingu River basin.