It’s hard to call yourself a serious aquarist if you can’t take good aquarium photos. These three aquascape photography video tutorials will help you improve those full tank shots!
Freshwater Articles
Aquatic Experience – Chicago’s 2016 Educational Seminar Schedule
WPA shares the 3-day schedule of freshwater and saltwater educational aquarium seminars occurring at the Aquatic Experience – Chicago 2016.
2016 CITES Results for Aquarium Fish and Inverts
CITES CoP17 decisions are in, and will effect every aquarium-related group or species that had been up for discussion.
Genetic Evidence Indicates Xingu Plecos L066 & L333 are Same Species
It is important to remember that our sometimes arbitrary classification schemes don’t always correspond to nature’s.
Aquarama 2016 in Photos: Day Two
An inside look at the second day of the international aquarium fish exhibition, featuring competitions, aquascaping demonstrations, and more…
Apistogramma sororcula, a Newly-Described Dwarf Cichlid
The polychromatic dwarf cichlid from the Rio Guaporé drainage has been formally described in the current issue of Vertebrate Biology, 66 (2) 2016
Introducing a New Catfish, Scleromystax reisi
Scleromystax reisi is described in the article “New species of Scleromystax Günther, 1864 (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) – extending the meridional distribution of genera endemic to the Atlantic Forest,” by Marcelo R. Britto, Clayton K. Fukakusa, and Luiz R. Malabarba.
AMAZONAS “Dazzling DANIOS” Issue: Inside Look
A visual preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s November/December 2016 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition immediately.
Aquarama 2016: Day One
The global aquatic industry show Aquarama, formerly held biennially In Singapore, is now in full swing in its new home—Guangzhou, China
Banggais, Motoros, Clarions, Nautilus, Targeted for CITES Listings
If listed, a species becomes difficult to trade without special permissions and paperwork and may be banned completely from sale into the European Union (EU).