Take a detailed look at building a Rio Negro biotope aquarium from start to finish in this web supplement to Biotopes of the Rio Negro in the July/August 2017 issue of AMAZONAS
Freshwater Articles
VIDEO: Ted Judy’s 2016 Colombia Expedition, Ep. 9
After exploring a calm pool, Ted Judy and Hernando Gil turn their attention to swift waters below a small man-made rock dam. What aquarium curiosities will they find? Watch, and don’t miss the bonus birdwatching footage!
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents July/August 2017
AQUARIUM WIZARDRY, AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 6, Number 4
New Bug Bites Insect Larvae Fish Food from Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics introduces a new line of fish foods based on sustainably-produced insect larvae
Forget the Goldfish—Stocking a Patio Water Garden
The benefits of fresh air and sunshine are not limited to people. Fish that are kept in the aquarium year ’round are often pale and lethargic when compared to their brothers and sisters that have spent some time in one of the various homemade and portable ponds.
New Mouthbrooding Apistogramma
It’s official; Apistogramma barlowi is no longer the only scientifically-described mouthbrooding Apistogramma.
VIDEO: Ted Judy’s 2016 Colombia Expedition, Ep. 8
We have not seen a lot of Corydoras catfish, so when Hernando asked me what I wanted to see on my last full day of collecting in the Llanos, I told him to someplace where I could find Corydoras metae, one of the iconic aquarium fish from the Meta river system.
VIDEO: Frontosa in a Planted Tank?
Recently, my 6-year-old son Ethan happened to look at my laptop and was immediately drawn to a photo of a Mpimbwe Blue Frontosa on the screen. It apparently reminded him of a Pokémon card character, Barboach…
VIDEO Bonus: Neolamprologus pectoralis with Fry
Video of the 238-gallon Neolamprologus pectoralis aquarium of Harald Kahden. Neolamprologus pectoralis was featured in the May/June 2017 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.
VIDEO: Apistogramma bitaeniata “Mamuri”
When you give a well-kept male Apistogramma a mirror prepare to be wowed.