Ted Judy’s Colombian video series takes a detour back to his US-based fishroom to build a Colombian biotope-inpsired aquascaped aquarium.
Freshwater Articles
Global Pet Expo 2017 in Photos: Part II
Part 2 of Mike Tuccinardi’s coverage of new products and noteworthy finds at the industry-only trade show held in Orlando, FL
Global Pet Expo 2017 in Photos: Part I
Mike Tuccinardi brings us the first photographic tour of the exclusive, industry-only trade show.
VIDEO: Ted Judy’s 2016 Colombia Expedition, Ep. 6
As the team deals with rain swollen rivers, they turn to tiny waters that yield tetras, Apistogramma, and other discoveries.
AMAZONAS Magazine “Beguiling Gobies” Inside Look
The May/June 2017 Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and now on its way to print magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops, and most Barnes & Noble bookstores.
Keeping Blind Cave Fishes (or not)
While cave fishes may seem like blind, curious creatures from another world, many of us in the aquarium hobby had our first encounter with the strange world of subterranean fishes when we saw real, live examples in our local aquarium shop.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents May/June 2017
BEGUILING GOBIES, AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 6, Number 3
VIDEO: Ted Judy’s 2016 Colombia Expedition, Ep. 5
Persistence in the face of uncooperative conditions tends to pay off, as Ted Judy demonstrates in the fifth installment of his Colombian fish expedition video series.
Subterranean Aquatic Life
The denizens of cave rivers represent an odd and fascinating community of organisms—lack of eyes and pigment in many species creates bizarre, alien-looking life forms.
VIDEO: Ted Judy’s 2016 Colombia Expedition, Ep. 4
Watch how the exporters here pack fish to go out of the country, and learn a little more about how they handle Altum Angelfish [Pterophyllum altum].