Organizers of the international Biotope Aquarium Design Contest have just announced the winners for 2017, with excellent profiles of the most outstanding tanks and comments by the impressive jury who evaluated the entries
Freshwater Articles
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s January/February 2018 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition immediately.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents January/February 2018
PALUDARIUM PRIMER, AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 7, Number 1
VIDEO: Saving the Running River Rainbowfish
In a remote area of Australia with little outside contact, scientists are in a race to save the Running River Rainbowfish from extinction.
ACA Statement on Wild Collection of Aquarium Fish
Wild collection of fish is integral to ensuring genetic diversity in captive populations and promoting the introduction of new species and variants for the aquarium hobby and research.
A Quick Look at Retroculus Cichlids
Retroculus lapidifer is a rarely-imported rheophilic cichlid from the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. Reputed to be more challenging cichlids to keep, understanding their habitat helps unlock their husbandry secrets.
Aquatics Leadership: Time to Unify or See the End of the Age of Aquariums
For the last five years, activist groups have pressed a full-court attack against ornamental fishing professionals, hobbyists, and aquarium advocates. They finally got their way earlier this year…
Video: Incredible Japanese Koi–Buying Documentary
Join Sacramento Koi’s Steve Walker and his team as they travel to nothern Japan in search of the very best koi for their customers.
Rare Vilmae Tetras at Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale
The rarely-seen Vilmae Tetra, Hyphessobrycon vilmae, exported from Brazil, makes an appearance at Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale.
AMAZONAS Magazine “BLUE-EYES” Inside Look
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s November/December 2017 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition immediately.