AMAZONAS Excerpt: Executive Editor Ann Whitman suggests that cognitive dissonance best describes some aspects of our hobby’s relationship with man-made fishes.
Freshwater Articles
AMAZONAS Magazine “MAN-MADE FISHES” Inside Look!
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s September/October 2019 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting August 11th, 2019.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents September/October 2019
Man-made Fishes, AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 8, Number 5
AMAZONAS Excerpt: The Good Soldier
Black Soldier Fly larvae are being touted as a miracle food of the future for pets as well as humans. For now, however, they are an innovative, high-quality food for fish and other animals.
Scientists Describe New Farlowella Catfish Species
Catfish enthusiasts will enjoy reading about a new species of Farlowella described from expeditions in Argentina.
Record Fundraising: ALA Goodeid Working Group Updates
Goodeids remain highly at-risk in their native habitats, while aquarists strive to raise awareness and funds in the stewardship of this often overlooked group of livebearers.
New Riparium Planter Gravels from Riparium Supply
After discontinuing its previous single gravel offering, Riparium Supply is listing two new options in riparium planter substrates with selections to suit a wide range of riparium plants. Find both of these packaged as 6-cup portion bags and available for purchase in the online store.
Planet Aquariums Unveils MEGA Matrix Tanks
Available through independent pet retailers, Planet Aquariums and DFW Aquarium Supply launch Mega Matrix aquariums line, aiming to bring quality configured tanks to the market without the custom price taga
2019 AGA International Aquascaping Contest Announced
The 2019 International AGA Aquascaping Contest will officially open for submission of aquascape entries on June 15th, 2019.
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s July/August 2019 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting June 11th, 2019.