Oliver Lucanus couldn’t have chosen a more lust-worthy example to kick off his new video series than this off-the-beaten-path Lake Turakana Jewel Cichlid.
Freshwater Articles
A New Livebearer From Mexico
The newly described Poeciliopsis jackschultzi, the Río Concepción topminnow, has a limited distribution in northern Mexico.
Not all African Long-Fin Tetras are Alike
Although Bryconalestes longipinnis is not known to breed easily in aquaria, keeping fish from populations from one geographic region might be a good idea for those interested in keeping pure lines together.
A New Catfish with Stunning Jaguar Coloration
A new species of auchenipterid catfish, Spinipterus moijiri, was recently discovered in the middle Río Purus basin, Brazil (Rocha et al. 2019)
A new Mystus catfish from northeastern India
Keep an eye out for this newly-described catfish from India; perhaps it has already been unknowingly imported into the trade.
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s January/February 2020 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting December 11th, 2019.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents January/February 2020
Spectacular South America, AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 9, Number 1
Baby Panda Bamboo is Perfect Nano Riparium Foliage
With a cuddly-cute common name probably dreamed up by a marketing whiz, not a botanist, Baby Panda Bamboo (Pogonatherum sp.) is neither bamboo nor food for pandas. With its tidy, feathery foliage, it is an excellent choice for planting the background of a nano riparium layout.
USGS Conducts Non-Native Fish Slam in Florida
This week USGS scientists are in three Florida counties leading experts in the semi-annual Fish Slam, a scientific scavenger hunt for non-native freshwater fishes.
Concerns Raised Over CITES Plans for Marine Aquarium Trade
OFI and other organizations object to CITES plan to study the trade and conservation of marine ornamental fish, noting a rushed timetable and lack of robust inquiry being proposed.