The International Betta Congress Judging Board has released official IBC policy regarding the breeding and showing of Spectrum Brand’s new GloFish Bettas in response to the commercial market release of these fish.
Freshwater Articles
GloFish Introduces Bettas to Fluorescent Fish Offerings
GloFish® Betta is now available in Electric Green®, adding a new species to the ever-growing diversity of genetically-modified fishes being bred for the aquarium hobby.
AMAZONAS Magazine “DREAMSCAPES” Inside Look!
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s March/April 2020 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting February 11th, 2020.
Blue Kerri Tetras: Worth Another Look
The staff at Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale recently highlighted the underappreciated Royal or Blue Kerri Tetra, Inpaichthys kerri, which is available in both a wild form and a line-bred “Super Blue” cultivated strain.
Hidden in Plain Sight, Cichlasoma dimerus in Florida
The true identity of a Florida invader has been realized nearly 20 years after its first recorded collection.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents March/April 2020
Dreamscapes: Planting Underwater World, AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 9, Number 2
White Clouds Get a New Cousin: Tanichthys kuehnei
After years of mystery, the elusive ‘yellow white cloud’ has finally been found again and formally described.
Build a Lightweight, Waterproof Concrete Basin for Ponds and Plants
Step-by-step instructions to create a lightweight, waterproof concrete planter basin suitable for indoor ponds, carnivorous plant bogs, and open terrarium plantings. This simple design uses a foam insulation core covered with surface bonding cement and masonry waterproofer.
One of Nature’s Oddities: Garra surinbinnani
A strange fish with an impressive profile has recently been discovered and scientifically described from the Mae Khlong basin in Thailand.
VIDEO: Aqueon & Project Piaba Offer Rainforest Aquarium Kit
Looking for a unique off-the-shelf starter aquarium? Appreciate supporting sustainability and conservation? Aqueon and Project Piaba may have just what you need with their Rainforest Conservation Aquarium Kit.