Pei-Sheng Chiu, an assistant researcher at the Mariculture Research Center, Fisheries Research Institute, Taiwan, documents the captive spawning & rearing of this species known for very “flexible” salinity requirements.
Freshwater Articles
Arrow Loach Variability and Novel Sister Species
A recent study of southeast Asian Nemacheilus ascertained a new species, N. zonatus, and also indicated that N. pallidus was actually a junior-synonym to N. masyae.
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s July/August 2020 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting June 9th, 2020.
Ninth Endemic Livebearer of Lake Miragoâne: Limia mandibularis
Limia mandibularis, the jawed limia, was newly described from a hotspot for poeciliid radiation.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents July/August 2020
Boisterous Barbs, AMAZONAS Magazine Volume 9, Number 4
Zoo Med Dragon Bonsai Tree for Aquascaping
Debuting at the 2020 Global Pet Expo, Zoo Med has launched its Dragon Bonsai Tree product, effectively bringing the bonsai tree aquascaping concept to wide distribution through commercial channels.
Spotlight: the Amazon Puffer (C. asellus) in the wild and in the aquarium
AMAZONAS author and importer Mike Tuccinardi looks at the popular Amazon Puffer and where it is found in the wild.
Brazil’s Fish Exports Are Opening Up!
The updated rules will fundamentally change aquarium fish exports from Brazil going forward and are anticipated to greatly expand the diversity of species legally available to aquarium hobbyists around the globe.
The Freshwater Aquariums and Planted Tanks of Global Pet Expo 2020
A pictorial rundown of the freshwater display aquariums created for the Orlando, Florida Expo at the of February 2020.
Uncommon Imports: Rare Anostomids from the Rio Ventuari
AMAZONAS Editor Mike Tuccinardi takes a look at 3 unusual species of Anostomids from a recent Colombia import: Pseudanos varii, Pseudanos winterbottomi, and Leporinus brunneus.