“The time has come for the entire aquarium industry to come together to help save the Hawaiian aquarium fishery,” says PIJAC.
Freshwater Articles
In The Trade: Jelly Cats
Beautifully mottled jelly catfish, likely Cephalosilurus apurensis, have landed in the U.S. in a recent import from Colombia. These predatory catfish can reach lengths of up to 12 inches, and are best kept as solitary pets.
AMAZONAS Magazine Price Change Starting 2021
Starting January 4th, 2021, subscription rates and will increase, but the size of the digital AMAZONAS back-issue archive will also increase! Beginning with Vol 10.1 the newsstand cover price for AMAZONAS will increase to US $9.99 and CAN $12.99. Subscribe or renew today to take advantage of current rates before the increase!
Tannin: Culture, it’s more than a lifestyle
Tannin’s Culture additive contains a uniquely cultured Purple Non-Sulphur Bacteria (PNSB) species, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, a perfect complement to your botanical-style aquarium, performing a variety of roles to enhance the “microbiome” of your black water environment.
Aquadeco Aquascaping Kits: Smart as a Box of Rocks
Aquadeco’s offerings consist of pre-packaged selections tailored for two common aquarium sizes. No mess, no wasted time; these Aquascaping Kits are ready for the customer to bring up to the counter, scan a UPC, and walk out the door.
Creating an Amazon for AMAZON.com – All Things Aquascaping
AMAZONAS contributor Steve Waldron details the aquascape design and installation of a 600 gallon AMAZON-themed freshwater planted aquarium for AMAZON.com’s Seattle Spheres.
Aqua Sponge Mats For Aquarium Maintenance
Time for a water change? Cobalt can help! via Cobalt Aquatics Cobalt AQUA SPONGE MATS are the ultimate addition to your aquarium maintenance arsenal. The highly absorbent, dense microfiber material can absorb up to one gallon of water per five square feet. The bottom...
Ocean Nutrition Brings Sep-Art Brine Shrimp to the U.S.
Available in Europe for years, this innovative, tried-and-true product for hatching and gathering shell-free baby Brine Shrimp (Artemia nauplii) is finally available to customers in the U.S.!
In The Trade: Golden Zebra Loach, Sinibotia robusta
Joe Hiduke, Sales Manager for Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale, recently highlighted a brilliant Asian import. “Gold zebra loaches came in from Hong Kong. They’re very pretty and generally hardy, they look great. Available in very limited numbers…”
Artificial Incubation of Betta macrostoma Eggs
Betta macrostoma often frustrates breeders by failing to incubate eggs successfully. Sumer Tiwari tries to artificially incubate Betta macrostoma eggs using an egg tumbler. Discover his initial success with this experimental process…