There is loads of crap on the Internet. That said, the @tanksfornothin YouTube Channel is pure gold. This is inspirational storytelling that inspires an aquarist to view the aquarium hobby from a new perspective, even transcending the aquarist to serve as a captivating ambassador of aquarium keeping for the general public!
Freshwater Articles
Lake Erie’s Resident Freshwater Dolphin Population
Why one AMAZONAS and CORAL publisher is still skeptical of AI in our daily lives.
Want to read the English edition of the freshwater aquarium magazine AMAZONAS in nearly any language? We’ll show you how any subscriber can instantly translate any available article from the digital edition into any language that’s supported by Google Translate.
Gone for a Decade, Barred Pencilfish Return to Aquarium Trade
Carolina Aquatics, a distributor of livestock and aquarium products, has worked to recently reopen exports of aquarium fish from Guyana, including the noteworthy first Barred Pencilfish (Nannostomus espei) to arrive in the US in at least a decade.
HelloReef Awarded Authenticated™ Trustmark and “Best In STEM” Top 5% Award for 2025
HelloReef’s aquarium starter kits have been recognized by, including a “Best In STEM” award, bringing new attention and awareness of the aquarium hobby to families and educators in a vetted, “ Authenticated” product offering.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents January/February 2025
WHIPTAIL CATFISHES: Latest News and Discoveries – Volume 14, Number 1
VIDEO Inside Look: AMAZONAS Magazine “WHIPTAIL CATFISHES: Latest News and Discoveries”
A video preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s January/February Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting December 17th, 2024.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents November/December 2024
Mini Marvels: DWARF CICHLIDS – Volume 13, Number 6
NARBC Launches Dallas Pet Expo in 2025
The NARBC (North American Reptile Breeders Conference) is host to regional “conference + trade show” events that offer a dizzying array of reptile and amphibian vendors, supported by all manner of related equipment manufacturers and ancillary offerings. Now, NARBC has announced an expansion into a full-line Pet Expo to be held in Dallas, Texas, twice in 2025. The events are scheduled for March 29-30, and September 6-7, 2025.
Burlington, Vermont Considers Exotic Pet Ban on Election Day
Burlington is considering a ban on all “exotic animals.” This ban includes fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and any animal that is not specifically exempted from the definition of “exotic animal”.