PIJAC Celebrates its 50th Anniversary with a name change to Pet Advocacy Network, unveiling a new website and logo as part of its rebranding.
Freshwater Articles
Revision Revealed—inD Creation’s aF4 Automatic Frozen Fish Food Feeder
The latest iteration of the inD Creations AF4 frozen fish food feeder is a complete departure from the original design. inD is targeting the end of summer 2022 for shipping to start, with Kickstarter backers getting their AF4s first.
PIJAC Competes Act Update: Senate Movement
PIJAC’s “Take Action Now” update suggests more movement on pending Lacey Act amendments.
VIDEOS: Slide-Loc’s new Patent-Pending Quick Release Levers
Aquarists can now replace frustrating thumbscrews commonly seen on acrylic-based filtration equipment and reactors, with easy-to-use, consistent-pressure quick release levers from Slide-Loc.
VIDEO: The Endangered Aquarium Trade
How the ESA, CITES, animal rights activists, and climate change will shape the future of aquariums.
PIJAC’s Lacey Act Update
PIJAC’s Vice President of Government Affairs Bob Likins provides an update on pending Lacey Act amendments that were passed by the House and will be considered by the Senate.
Aquarium Apocalypse? Can Lacey Act Amendments Really Cripple—or End—The U.S. Aquarium (and Pet) Trade?
Proposed legislation will undoubtedly have severe impacts on the aquarium hobby. Savvy aquarists will not underestimate the dire consequences of failing to consider the implications for themselves, the livelihoods of those involved in the trade, and the many benefits aquariums provide to people and aquatic species.
Weird Waters Debuts on TUBI and ROKU!
You’ve waited months for the cartoon series Weird Waters to premier, and now it’s here with positive reviews from aquarists young and old!
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents March/April 2022
Federal Legislation Threatens Pets, Zoos, Aquariums, and Biomedical Research
Proposed revisions to the Lacey Act have passed in the House, are headed to the Senate, and could bring the entire pet trade and hobby to a grinding halt.