The second new product to debut during a recent Waterbox Aquariums livestream are two models of magnetic algae scrapers/magnetic glass cleaners.
Freshwater Articles
Aqua Journey Documents Nannostomus sp. ‘Super Red Cenepa’ in Hong Kong
Furious speculation surrounds the amazing new Nannostomus pencilfish variety that has entered the aquarium trade under the name ‘Super Red Cenepa’. New photos frm Hong Kong aquarists Aqua Journey add support to the hypothesis that this may be a new species.
Waterbox Aquariums Introduces Recessed Screen Aquarium Lids
Waterbox Aquariums announced two new products this week in a livestreamed event. The first introduction is a series of recessed screen lids for rimless aquariums. The new line of mesh tops is designed to rest within the perimiter of the aquarium, being supported by tabs that rest on the glass rim.
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s May/June 2022 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting April 12th, 2022.
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s May/June 2022 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting April 12th, 2022.
AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents May/June 2022
STELLAR STARGAZERS Volume 11, Number 3
Chicago to host 2022 Aquatic Gardeners Association Convention
Save the date; the Aquatic Gardeners Association aquascaping convention will be held this fall in Chicago, Illinois. Save the dates, September 30th to October 2nd, 2022, and book your tickets to travel to centrally-located Chicago, Illinois for the return of the...
VIDEO: Santa Isabel Angelfish In The Wild
Get a glimpse into the wild angelfish biotope of Maquari Creek!
USARK: Lacey Act Amendments Headed to Reconciliation
The latest updates from the United States Association of Reptile Keepers encourage engagement with your representatives as Lacey Act Amendments appear clearly destined for the reconciliation process.
Collectors Discover Stunning New Red Pencilfish
Details are effectively nonexistent, but the fish world is fervently excited about a brand new, nearly solid-red pencilfish that was shared by Albertino Maca Ausber this week.