Could your fishes’ favorite food be a health concern for you?
News & Notes Articles
Why It’s Time for to Protect the Real Amazon
One of the biggest threats faced by these real Amazonians and their rainforest home, particularly in remote areas of the western Amazon, is oil drilling.
Death by Dye: Ending the Sale of Dyed Fish in Northeast Wisconsin
The Green Bay Aquarium Society is calling for an end to the practice of dyeing and tattooing aquarium fish and amphibians, starting in their local market.
U.S. FWS Proposes Endangered Status for Barrens Topminnow
Out-competed by invasive Western Mosquitofish, the Barrens Topminnow (Fundulus julisia) is struggling to survive, and more help is needed.
ACA Statement on Wild Collection of Aquarium Fish
Wild collection of fish is integral to ensuring genetic diversity in captive populations and promoting the introduction of new species and variants for the aquarium hobby and research.
Aquatics Leadership: Time to Unify or See the End of the Age of Aquariums
For the last five years, activist groups have pressed a full-court attack against ornamental fishing professionals, hobbyists, and aquarium advocates. They finally got their way earlier this year…
Project Piaba Completes 2017 Fisher Trainings and Announces Award Nomination
The Project recently held two training workshops for aquarium fish collectors in the Rio Negro and announced a nomination for prestigious Indianapolis Prize.
“A Serious Case of Hobby Pox”
Zoo Med is currently celebrating its 40th year in business, and we had the distinct honor of having Gary Bagnall—an unsung hero of the aquarium hobby—share an inside look at the history of the company and some of his personal aspirations for the future.
Storm Aftermath: Aquarium Trade Checks-In, Part 5
Continuing coverage, with news from the A&M Aquatics, Mote Marine Lab, Jeff Turner and Henry Feddern in the Keys, New Life Spectrum in Homestead, and Julian Sprung of Two Little Fishies in Miami Gardens.
Project Piaba Wants You to Join the 2018 Expedition
Gain a unique perspective as you travel the Rio Negro and experience the culture around the aquarium fishery with the Project Piaba team in this singular travel opportunity.