Celebrating its 20th anniversary during July 2020, LiveAquaria is about to enter a new chapter as parent company Petco announces a transition to new ownership for the aquarium livestock company.
News & Notes Articles
Brazil’s Fish Exports Are Opening Up!
The updated rules will fundamentally change aquarium fish exports from Brazil going forward and are anticipated to greatly expand the diversity of species legally available to aquarium hobbyists around the globe.
From the UK: Consider The Fate of Your Local Fish Shop
“It’s a disease that is ravaging our vulnerable, and if we aren’t careful it’ll ravage our beloved stores too. Let’s do what we can to keep them going while we stay safe, okay?” – Practical Fishkeeping Editor Nathan Hill
Aquarists: Do Not Try Your Chloroquine Phosphate to Prevent COVID-19
Some fish medications contain chloroquine phosphate or other forms of chloroquine, but the active ingredients are in a different form from those intended for human use and can be poisonous if ingested by people. These products may also have additional ingredients that support the intended use, but that can be harmful to humans.
Retail Aquarium Stores React to Pandemic
The escalating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is being felt by local fish stores and aquarium retailers around the US. Starting this week, announcements of curbside pickup, delivery options, limited hours and even temporary closures of retail spaces started showing up on social media.
Interzoo 2020 Will Be Postponed
“Postponing Interzoo is a challenging, but necessary step. For the sake of the industry and to serve its interests in the best possible way, we see no other solution”, explains Norbert Holthenrich, President of Germany’s Pet Trade and Industry Association.
USGS Conducts Non-Native Fish Slam in Florida
This week USGS scientists are in three Florida counties leading experts in the semi-annual Fish Slam, a scientific scavenger hunt for non-native freshwater fishes.
VIDEO: Indonesia’s Aquarium Show – NUSATIC 2019 Trailer
Promoted as the “biggest show in the world,” the 4th Indonesia Ornamental Fish and Aquatic Plant Show 2019, NUSATIC, will be held from November 29th to December 1st, 2019, at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE BSD City), Tangerang, Indonesia.
The Aquarium Hobbyist’s Role in Fish Conservation
Assessing the Species in the CARES Preservation Program and the Role of Aquarium Hobbyists in Freshwater Fish Conservation, a new article published in the open-access journal Fishes, describes the necessity for hobby, science, and conservation entities to communicate and collaborate towards the common goal of freshwater fish conservation.
Aquarium Livestock Leader Goes Green with New Shipping Boxes
Lansing, Michigan based aquarium livestock wholesaler A & M Aquatics announced their transition to a new form of shipping styro which, when exposed to the elements, can biodegrade in just a couple years.