News & Notes Articles

Winnipeg Considers Banning Many Aquarium Fish (and many other pets, too!)

Winnipeg Considers Banning Many Aquarium Fish (and many other pets, too!)

Winnipeg, Canada has announced a sweeping series of proposed rules that, if enacted, would ban the ownership of many types of aquarium life (both fish and invertebrates) along with many other pets under the City’s Responsible Pet Ownership By-Law. Such a ban would set the tone for similar bans elsewhere.

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SAVES Act Proposes ESA Amendment

SAVES Act Proposes ESA Amendment

New federal legislation before Congress would change the US Endangered Species Act to end the practice of listing species that are not native to the United States. This would, according to some observers in the aquarium trade, help eliminate problems with captive-bred fishes from becoming entangled in ESA regulations.

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