News & Notes Articles

Brazil Shortsightedly Proposes Zebra Pleco for CITES Appendix I Listing

Brazil Shortsightedly Proposes Zebra Pleco for CITES Appendix I Listing

The 19th CoP occurs November 14-26, 2022, in Panama City, Panama. At this CoP, the government of Brazil has submitted a proposal to uplist H. zebra from the least restrictive CITES listing on Appendix III, to Appendix I, which is the most restrictive CITES listing. Some argue that the new proposals will lead to increased demand for illegally harvested and smuggled specimens of Zebra Pleco.

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OATA Joins Fellow Pet Trade Associations at CITES CoP19

OATA Joins Fellow Pet Trade Associations at CITES CoP19

On the agenda for the meeting, which looks at ways to ensure the sustainable trade in wildlife, are several items that would affect the global ornamental fish trade, including plans to move Zebra pleco (Hypancistrus zebra) from Appendix III to Appendix I – the highest level of restriction – and to put a number of freshwater stingray (Potamotrygon spp.) onto Appendix II.

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Friday Photospread: Aquatics at Global Pet Expo, 2022

Friday Photospread: Aquatics at Global Pet Expo, 2022

Since the 2020 Global Pet Expo was the last aquatic event we attended before the COVID-19 Pandemic set in, it seems only fitting that the 2022 Global Pet Expo would be the first event that we attended in this post-vaccination world we now live in. What follows is a pictorial look at some of the aquatics-related highlights, as captured through the lens of Alex Rose.

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