A roundtable discussion about issues of plastic toxicity in aquarium settings, particularly firsthand experiences with saltwater corals, invertebrates, and fishes.
News & Notes Articles
New Bedfellows in World of Freshwater Aquarium Fish Trade
The IUCN has announced the formation of a subgroup of the Freshwater Fish Specialist Group (FFSG), the Home Aquarium Fish Subgroup (HAFSG), which is dedicated to home aquarium fishes—a startling sign of changing times.
Chemical in Plastic Bags Lethal to Aquarium Fish
Are toxic plastic bags to blame for mortality issues with aquarium fish shipping and acclimation? The results of a new study suggest cause for concern.
Aquarium Inventions
For some aquarium hobbyists and professionals, creating an aquarium-related invention is a natural combination of such a dream with their hobby or vocation.
The Renovation of the Toledo Zoo Aquarium
The new Toledo Zoo Aquarium offers almost four times the exhibit water volume of the old aquarium, with nearly twice as much room for visitors.
Segrest Farms Unveils Massive Dedicated Soft Water System
A Florida based aquarium fish wholesaler reveals their new 2,800 gallon holding system for freshwater fish originating in blackwater habitats
First Successful Breeding of Devils Hole Pupfish
Researchers at the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility have spawned the critically endangered Devils Hole Pupfish, Cyprinodon diabolis, for the first time in captivity
UK-based OATA Relaunches “Hands Off My Hobby” Campaign
The UK’s Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association is asking all the main UK political parties to promise to oppose any future wholesale ban on exotic and wild caught species that would affect the ornamental fish-keeping hobby.
Roberto Hensen is new Secretary General of the EPO
The Executive Board of the European Pet Organization (EPO) has appointed Roberto Hensen as its new Secretary General.
Man Charged with ESA Violations, Transporting Endangered Arowanas
Ryan Lopez Bernardez was arraigned today on charges that he violated the Endangered Species Act by transporting two endangered Asian Arowana fish