Pei-Sheng Chiu, an assistant researcher at the Mariculture Research Center, Fisheries Research Institute, Taiwan, documents the captive spawning & rearing of this species known for very “flexible” salinity requirements.
AMAZONAS – Matt Pedersen Articles
Zoo Med Dragon Bonsai Tree for Aquascaping
Debuting at the 2020 Global Pet Expo, Zoo Med has launched its Dragon Bonsai Tree product, effectively bringing the bonsai tree aquascaping concept to wide distribution through commercial channels.
The Freshwater Aquariums and Planted Tanks of Global Pet Expo 2020
A pictorial rundown of the freshwater display aquariums created for the Orlando, Florida Expo at the of February 2020.
Retail Aquarium Stores React to Pandemic
The escalating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is being felt by local fish stores and aquarium retailers around the US. Starting this week, announcements of curbside pickup, delivery options, limited hours and even temporary closures of retail spaces started showing up on social media.
Blue Kerri Tetras: Worth Another Look
The staff at Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale recently highlighted the underappreciated Royal or Blue Kerri Tetra, Inpaichthys kerri, which is available in both a wild form and a line-bred “Super Blue” cultivated strain.
VIDEO: Aqueon & Project Piaba Offer Rainforest Aquarium Kit
Looking for a unique off-the-shelf starter aquarium? Appreciate supporting sustainability and conservation? Aqueon and Project Piaba may have just what you need with their Rainforest Conservation Aquarium Kit.
VIDEO – Below Water Profiles Hemichromis exsul
Oliver Lucanus couldn’t have chosen a more lust-worthy example to kick off his new video series than this off-the-beaten-path Lake Turakana Jewel Cichlid.
VIDEO: Indonesia’s Aquarium Show – NUSATIC 2019 Trailer
Promoted as the “biggest show in the world,” the 4th Indonesia Ornamental Fish and Aquatic Plant Show 2019, NUSATIC, will be held from November 29th to December 1st, 2019, at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE BSD City), Tangerang, Indonesia.
Comprehensive Goodeid Species Status Update Published
Researchers have evaluated Mexico’s 40 species of goodeids, predicting many more will go extinct without cooperation and collaboration between scientists, conservationists, and aquarium hobbyists for successful captive maintenance.
A New Ancistrus Species is Described
First discovered during the Mosaico do Apuí expedition in 2006, Ancistrus miracollis was found in the rio Sucunduri, a large tributary of the rio Madeira basin in south Amazonas State.