The large size but normally passive nature of the Geophagus spp. remains one of their more endearing traits; they look fantastic as feature fish in a calm setting with other compatible fish. I never had a customer come back to complain about the Geophagus I had sold to them; these are fish people like!
AMAZONAS – Matt Pedersen Articles
Friday Photospread – How To: Count Fish Eggs
A step-by-step method to get your own precise egg counts from fish spawns.
Friday Photospread – Feigning Mortal Danger
Bettas are kind of easy to goad into performing for the camera, and none may be easier than the “Fighter Plakats”, the short-finned betta strains bred for strength, endurance, body structure, and general ferocity; the ultimate goal being a winner in the ring.
Friday Photospread – The Gloved Hand
It’s late evening in the fishroom (OK, it’s 2 AM in the fishroom), and I’m staying up late to take photos of a couple bettas that I’m planning on breeding.
Friday Photospread – Guppy, on Fire
One man’s cull = another man’s treasure. After all these years, a Guppy can still grab me.
PlanetXingu FundRazr Campaign To Fund Rio Xingu Scientific Expedition
The Lower Rio Xingu, imminently threatened by the Belo Monte Dam project, is the subject of a grassroots crowd-funding effort to support biodiversity research before it’s too late.
The Betta Son – Part 4
Catch a personal look at Ethan’s experience with his new pet bettas.
The Betta Son – Part 3
Matt and Ethan head on a road trip to pick out Ethan’s first Betta.
The Betta Son – Part 2
A confluence of events helps Matt decide what Ethan’s first fish will be.
The Betta Son – Part 1
Deciding it’s time for a child to have his first fish.