A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s July/August 2020 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting June 9th, 2020.
AMAZONAS Excerpt Articles
AMAZONAS Magazine “AFRICAN ADVENTURES: East and West” Inside Look!
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s May/June 2020 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting April 14th, 2020.
AMAZONAS Magazine “DREAMSCAPES” Inside Look!
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s March/April 2020 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting February 11th, 2020.
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s January/February 2020 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting December 11th, 2019.
AMAZONAS Magazine “Exploring Pelvicachromis” Inside Look!
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s November/December 2019 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting October 17th, 2019.
Viewpoint: Keep the Fish that Bring You Joy
The impulse to take something from nature and mold, tweak, prune, or modify it to suit our desires or merely our curiosity is something intrinsically human—as is, perhaps, the desire to argue about the results.
Transparency: Lessons from the Orchid Community
Replace animosity with kindness, encourage compromise through transparency, and the fish keeping hobby has a truly bright future—even for those who love man-made fishes.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Man-made fishes have been around for a long time and are here to stay. If we do not cover man-created strains and forms, and debate the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, we leave the field to emotional grandstanding, or worse, legal regulations without qualified input.
Viewpoint: Cognitive Dissonance in the Aquarium Hobby
AMAZONAS Excerpt: Executive Editor Ann Whitman suggests that cognitive dissonance best describes some aspects of our hobby’s relationship with man-made fishes.
AMAZONAS Magazine “MAN-MADE FISHES” Inside Look!
A preview of highlights in AMAZONAS Magazine’s September/October 2019 Issue. Paid AMAZONAS Subscribers can log in with their email address and read the Digital Edition starting August 11th, 2019.