Torpedoes Explosion

Torpedoes Explosion

An Indian endemic fish admired by many for its sleek elegance and shoaling behaviors in larger aquariums, the Redline Torpedo Barb, Puntius denisonii, may be overfished and endangered in its native waters, but captive-bred specimens are reported to be gaining ground...
AMAZONAS Video: Native Ohio Stream Tank

AMAZONAS Video: Native Ohio Stream Tank

Native Ohio Stream Tank — Rainbow Darter breeding display    By Bill Z | You Tube Rainbow Darters, Central Stonerollers, Southern Redbelly Dace and brief appearances by an Orange-throat Darter and a Banded Darter. Note the male Rainbow’s territorial...
India’s Underground Fish Trade

India’s Underground Fish Trade

New Paper Suggests Sustainability is Not Just a Discussion for Saltwater Aquarists By Ret Talbot Over the past few years, freshwater aquarists may have noticed activists increasingly targeting their saltwater counterparts, seeking, for example, the complete ban on...