by James Lawrence | Feb 2, 2014 | Freshwater
Interesting short video about a rarely seen Cory that appears to have been selectively bred into a jet-black color form. Mike Tuccinardi of Segrest Farms says the original wild species is not known with any certainty, but is likely Corydoras schultzei, also known as...
by James Lawrence | Jan 3, 2014 | Freshwater
In the end, the search for a mate to help save the critically endangered Mangarahara Cichlid, believed to be down to its last two males at the Zoological Society of London, was not found lurking in another zoo or private aquarium, but rather in a muddy watering hole...
by James Lawrence | Dec 27, 2013 | Freshwater
AMAZONAS Volume 3, Number 2 CENTRAL AMERICA The home range of many tropical fish favorites—exotic cichlids, brilliant tetras, rare killifishes, and an amazing array of livebearers— the streams, cenotes, and forest pools of Central America from southern Mexico and...
by James Lawrence | Nov 14, 2013 | Freshwater
Credits Dimitar Gerdjikov | YouTube Beautiful Amazon Biotope aquarium with a shoal of “Orinoco Altum” Angelfish. Tank is 545 liters (144 gallons) and located in...
by James Lawrence | Nov 14, 2013 | Freshwater
A Vermont man discovered something highly unusual while fishing outside of the Vermont State Capital of Montpelier last week. An exotic fish species known as a Clown Knifefish, native to Southeast Asia, was found dead near the boat ramp on North Montpelier Pond, a...