by Matt Pedersen | Jul 28, 2016 | AMAZONAS Excerpt, Freshwater
The September/October 2016 Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and now on its way to print magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops, and better bookstores. On sale August 2, 2016. Readers of the Digital Edition can log in now: AMAZONAS DIGITAL EDITION Paid...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 28, 2016 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
In the forthcoming September/October 2016 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine, we introduce our readers to the plight of the Bermuda Killifish (Fundulus bermudae) and the Lower’s Lake Killifish (F. relictus), both Bermudian endemics, and both considered highly endangered...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 28, 2016 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater
We’re delighted to share with you this installment from midwest regional Sea Grant members and participants, including the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, in their Aquatic Invasive Webinar Series. This webinar, the Science Behind Aquatic Invasive Plants, was hosted...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 18, 2016 | Freshwater, New Products
for the series “Talks at Google.” “The Dragon Behind the Glass” author Emily Voigt, a New York-based journalist, speaks with Kelly Bailey in a recent installment of Talks at Google program. Voigt investigated the world of the Asian Arowana for the book,...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 14, 2016 | Freshwater
It’s not too late to rent a Bobcat and start digging in your lawn! But before you start any new pond project, we’d encourage you to watch this insightful 2 hour, 10 minute webinar from Great Lakes Sea Grant on Building a Better Water Garden. The webinar...