via USFW Fisheries
Fans of the suckermouth catfishes will truly enjoy the two most recent installments of the “Fish of the Week!” podcast from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Hosts Katrina Liebich and Guy Eroh opted to feature the “Sailfin Armored Suckermouth Catfishes” and the international trade in plecos in back-to-back episodes. Given the broad audience, the duo starts at the very beginning, covering a wide range of background info leading into the invasive nature of certain plecostomus in Florida…and even discussions about how to fish for plecos and options of preparing them for the table. In a second installment, the hosts are joined by Wildlife Inspector Daniel Sahakian from the USFWS Office of Law Enforcement, discussing regulating the wildlife trade, including aquarium fish destined for aquarium shops around the country.
Listen In!
Listen to Season 5, Episode 6 – Sailfin Catfishes: Genus Pterygoplichthys
Listen to Season 5, Episode 7 – Law Enforcement Special: Pleco Trade: learn all about fish shipment inspections, CITES, the Lacey Act, the smuggling of plecos, and more.
Find all the episodes at https://www.fws.gov/fish-of-the-week-podcast.