5 Letter From The Editor by Courtney Tobler
6 Aquatic Notebook
• Conservation efforts for newly discovered Betta cf. uberis by Michael Czech
10 An Aquatic Bug’s Life — Creating insect aquariums by Alex Rose
22 The Diving Bell Spider — Argyroneta aquatica by Friedrich Bitter
30 Dwarf Freshwater Crayfishes of the genus Cambarellus by Ute Dederer
36 Dwarf shrimps in North Vietnam by Ron Newell and Jens Kühne
42 Breeding Amano Shrimp by Ryan Chan
52 Reportage: Corydoras iiap from Peru by Hans-Georg Evers
58 Reportage: Smallscale pike characins (Acestrorhynchidae) by Wolfgang Staeck
64 Reportage: Introducing the mouth almighties by Oliver Lucanus
68 Husbandry and breeding: Caquetaia kraussii: a lurking predator from Colombia and Venezuela by Uwe Werner
74 Husbandry and breeding: Echoes—microbialite reef—a space-time biotope by Devin Biggs
86 Conservation — Turning the tide on extinction — how the hobby can be a hero in conservation by Michael Edmondstone, SHOAL
90 Events Calendar
92 LFS Locator: Outstanding aquarium shops
94 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye by Gabor Horvath