Carolina Aquatics, North Carolina-based distributor of livestock and aquarium products, has received the first shipment of Barred Pencilfish (Nannostomus espei) to arrive in the US in at least a decade, reintroducing the once popular freshwater schooling fish to the hobby and trade. Found only in the Mazaruni River in Guyana, the Barred or Espei Pencilfish was a popular and sought-after seasonal import until aquarium fish exports out of Guyana ceased altogether in the early 2010s.
Working with an exclusive in-country supplier over the last several years, Carolina Aquatics has helped restart aquarium fish collection in Guyana, where it was once an important source of livelihood and income in rural communities. While many logistical challenges remain, the successful collecting expedition and import of this unique species represents a major step forward for the fishery and for bringing other unique endemic freshwater species from Guyana into the trade.
Previous imports have included other species that have been missing from the aquarium hobby, such as Banded Headstanders (Anostomus anostomus) and less common cichlids like the Jewel Spot Eartheater (Satanoperca leucosticta).
Carolina Aquatics is wholesale only to the trade. Wholesalers or retail stores looking for distribution of these and other Guyanese freshwater species can contact Carolina Aquatics!