The Victorian Fisheries Authority is the “Statutory Authority” in Australia’s state of Victoria, charged with managing Victoria’s “commercial, recreational, aquaculture and indigenous fisheries now and for the future.” A recent video released on their YouTube channel showcases the 10 in Ten effort to “Recover Victoria’s Most Threatened Aquatic Species” and the new hatchery constructed to support the effort: Snobs Creek Conservation Hatchery.
The hatchery and project were first announced in 2022. While most of the species being targeted by the effort aren’t those we’d recognize as aquarists, one noteworthy exception is the Southern Purple-Spotted Gudgeon, Mogurnda adspersa. The extremely similar sister species Mogurnda mogurnda (Northern Purple-Spotted Gudgeon or Northern Trout Gudgeon) is no stranger to the aquarium trade, even sometimes offered solely with its peculiar and repetitive scientific name. However, the Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon remains a rarity, both in the wild and to a slightly lesser extent in our aquariums, thanks to some captive-breeding efforts.
Watch the video below to learn more about this project, and check out more interesting content from the southern Australian state on the Victorian Fisheries Authority’s YouTube channel!
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