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5      Letter from the Editor by Courtney Tobler
6      Aquatic Notebook     
• Taxonomic revision of the armored catfishes: Everything new—with old names!
 by Hans-Georg Evers

16 Florida—A destination for the aquarist by Roman Burkardt
24 Cool-water killifishes from Florida by André Kahnt
28 Discovering aquarium plants in Florida by Rudolf Suttner
46 A Florida aquarium for the home by Rudolf Suttner
56 The Florida Species Aquarium by Rudolf Suttner
64 Chromidotilapiine mouthbrooding cichlids in Gabon by Anton Lamboj
72 The transformation: A livebearer with double discoloration by Sebastian Wolf
76 Freshwater gobies: How did they get here, where are they going? by Dr. Klaus M. Stiefel
80 Breeding Chaca chaca in the aquarium by Ingo Seidel

90  Events Calendar
92  LFS Locator: Outstanding aquarium shops
94  Species Snapshots
97  Advertiser Index
98  Underwater Eye

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