5 Letter From The Editor by Courtney Tobler
6 Aquatic Notebook
• In memory of a legend: Rosario LaCorte 1929–2024 by Joseph Ferdenzi
10 From Cape Town to Kilimanjaro: A Nothobranchius expedition through six countries by Holger Hengstler and Sonja Hengstler
36 Six new Lake Malawi cichlids of the genus Labeotropheus by Wolfgang Staeck
44 Chilochromis duponti Boulenger, 1902: A central African rarity by Frederic Schedel, Jakob Geck, and Ulrich Schliewen
48 Lampeyes Down South — Southern Africa’s “Lacustricola” by John Stel and Timothy Smith
56 Reversed roles: The father broods in Sarotherodon melanotheron by Uwe Werner
64 Reportage: A biological approach to aquarium maintenanceby Peter Glunz
68 Husbandry and breeding: Keeping and breeding the bright-red pencilfishes Nannostomus mortenthaleri and Nannostomus sp. ‘Cenepa’by Hans-Georg Evers
78 Aquatic Plants: An introduction to Aponogeton plants by Rudolf Suttner
88 Events Calendar
90 LFS Locator: Outstanding aquarium shops
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye